DAA: Any agreement with the Turkish state is a major conspiracy against interests of the Syrians

The Democratic Autonomous Administration (DAA) of North and East Syria confirmed that any agreement with the Turkish State is against the overall interests of the Syrians. It is dedicated to partitioning and conspiring to disrupt the unity of Syria and its people, and it will support Turkey and, above all, ISIS/ Daesh. In a statement, it was emphasized that when Damascus and Ankara agree, it results in a new looting of Syria's territories and a blatant breach of its sovereignty.

DAA: Any agreement with the Turkish state is a major conspiracy against interests of the Syrians
29 June 2024   21:34

On June 29, 2024, at 20:56, it was published on its official accounts that the Democratic Autonomous Administration of the region of North and East Syria issued a statement denouncing the recent reconciliation between the Turkish occupying power and the Government of Damascus, particularly after Erdogan's recent statements regarding the meeting with Bashar al-Assad.

DAA considers this reconciliation a significant conspiracy against the Syrian people in all its aspects and legitimizes Turkish occupation. It called for a rejection of this reconciliation and stated that DAA is the best option for Syria's unity. Syrian national forces should unite to liberate the occupied areas and engage in a national dialogue within a unified homeland.

The full statement by DAA reads:

Turkey has played a negative role since the start of the Syrian revolution, supporting extremist forces and terrorist groups to expand its influence under the Misak-ı Millî scheme. It has exploited the Syrian people's needs for its own gain, falsely claiming to support Syrians while occupying parts of the country and backing mercenaries and ISIS. Turkey seeks to extend its reach further into Syria and has committed war crimes against the Syrian people. Any reconciliation with Damascus is a large-scale plot against the Syrian people and legitimizes the Turkish occupation.

The Democratic Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria reiterates that any agreement with Turkey goes against the interests of Syrians, aiming to divide Syria and its people. Such agreements will not yield positive outcomes but instead worsen the Syrian crisis and support entities, including ISIS, backed by Turkey.

The optimal solution for Syria's unity and people is DAA, ensuring peaceful and democratic change within a united Syria. The withdrawal of Turkey from Syria is imperative, and Syrian national forces should unite to liberate occupied areas and end the occupation.

T/ Satt.