HPG eliminates 6 Turkish soldiers in Zap

6 Turkish soldiers killed over 16 operations carried out by the HPG against the bases of the Turkish occupation army in the Zap region.

HPG eliminates 6 Turkish soldiers in Zap
29 June 2024   14:41

Today, the Media Center of the HPG issued a statement on the operations against the Turkish occupation army in Zap.

The statement indicated that"  The Martyr Dogan Zinar Unit targeted the bases of the Turkish occupation army in the Martyr Dalil area, west of Zap, during the period between June 6 and 25. The enemy bases in  Judi Hill were targeted once, the bases in FM Hill twice, and the bases in Amadiya Hill 13 times, a total of 16 times, these operations resulted in the killing of at least 6 Turkish soldiers, and the destruction of many sites and tents of the Turkish occupation.”
