Resistance is only way to limit destruction of nature

Resistance is only way to limit destruction of nature
3 June 2021   04:16


"If you want to eliminate a people, start with its history and nature, destroy its environment, and make it need you," This saying has been applied throughout history.

Under this slogan and for thousands of years, the occupying countries have destroyed the history and nature of peoples. Those with this authoritarian mentality have sacrificed thousands of people for their own authoritarian interests.

For example, Ilisu Dam water has flooded the historical Hasan Keyf monuments. Hasan Keyf was one of the first areas that humanity settled in the history of Mesopotamia.

This historical fact is being repeated today at the hands of the Turkish occupation state through the destruction of the history, nature and society of Kurdistan. In recent years, the acts of sabotage of forests, burning trees and destroying historical places have escalated as one of the bases of this dirty occupational policy, and the policy of extermination.

For instance, in Mesila Kor Area in Lecê District of Amed, more than 10,000 trees were cut down. In Mush and Basûr, they cut down trees. Also in Dêrsim, projects were set up in Menzûr Valley with the aim of eradicating the history and culture of the peoples.

In its war against the fighters of the People's Defense Forces in Kurdistan, the Turkish occupation army used the destruction of nature as a tool of war. In Menzûr, it also set fire to forests.

Annihilation of history and nature

The Turkish occupation army seeks to eradicate the history of the Kurdish people, by destroying and sabotaging the environment and nature, not only in Northern Kurdistan, but everywhere in which the Kurdish people live.

In Afrin, it cut down and burned thousands of olive trees.

In the areas of Southern Kurdistan, the Turkish occupation has recently cut down 400 tons of trees in Cûdî Mountains.

In the areas of Besta Tîkera in Cûdî Mountains of Şernax, it has cut down trees continuously since the last week of last month.

Destruction of nature in areas under PDK control

The same incidents occurred in the areas under the control of the Kurdistan Democratic Party (PDK) by the Turkish occupation army.

The Turkish occupation army, using warplanes and helicopters, bombed Zendûra Hill in Metina District, Cîloyê Biçûk in Zap District, and Merwanos and Şûke Districts in Avaşîn. The bombardment led to the burning of thousands of hectares of farmlands and the killing of animals. About 1,850 hectares of fields, orchards and vineyards in the area between Kêste Village in Metîna and Kanîmasiy Area have been reduced to ashes.

In addition, Turkey's mercenaries cut down trees belonging to the people in the areas of Zaxo and Berwarî, and sold as firewood in Turkey.

Media outlets also reported that PDK Office Member, Ali Awni, had given approval to cut down the trees of the villagers who had to leave their villages.

Therefore, what should be done towards those who want to destroy nature, Kurdish people's history and the Kurdish society?

In an interview with Imrali Body, Leader Abdullah Ocalan said in 2014 concerning the destruction of nature and the building of outposts in Kurdistan, "When the nature of Kurdistan was being destroyed, you had to intervene; you should not have allowed it to do so." This is really the honor of democratic politicians. An alternative model against this exploitative policy must be established.

The only alternative against the destruction of nature

In the Îkîzdere Rîzey District, old mothers persisted with determination and will their activities against the soldiers' attacks. When the nature of Menzûr was being removed by the Turkish army, similar resistance was shown by the people of Dêrsim.

Against the looting, destruction of nature and occupational attacks, all people must unite around the unification model, must build the new approach to struggle and struggle according to it. The Turkish state's plan on Başûr Kurdistan and the Cûdî Mountains should be read well. To confront the occupation's attacks, we must protect and defend our nature and history with all capabilities that we have. We have to protect our future. This is also a mandatory human duty.