​​​​​​Turkish authorities arrest 12 musicians and 3 civilians

The Turkish occupation authorities arrested 12 musicians in the Turkish city of Izmir and 3 others in Elleh in Bakur Kurdistan (Northern Kurdistan).

​​​​​​Turkish authorities arrest 12 musicians and 3 civilians
24 May 2023   09:19

During the morning hours, the Turkish occupation police raided a number of houses in the Turkish city of Izmir in the context of political genocide, during which they arrested 12 musicians, including Sertan Ozdemir, Shakir Yigit Ozdemir, Jamal Amin, Radwan Kaya, Fatma Tandogan, Ayoub Azrak, Gokhan Konlujik and Kadir Yassin Taimor.

The musicians were arrested for participating in the opening of an election office for the left-wing Green Party ahead of the May 14 elections.

The campaign of arrests extended to the city of Elleh in Bakur Kurdistan as well. The Turkish police raided a number of homes and arrested Adnan Voral, Vedat Ozer and Mazlum Items, and tortured them during the arrest process.

In a related context, the Turkish authorities arrested, today, 15 people in Merdin, Şirnax and Manisa in Bakur (Northern Kurdistan).
