Struggle continues on Mazlum Doğan, his comrades’ path

Women from the Euphrates Canton commended the resistance of detainees inside prisons and expressed their support for them. They emphasized that the struggle continues in the footsteps of Mazlum Doğan and his comrades.

Struggle continues on Mazlum Doğan, his comrades’ path
28 June 2024   04:10
Sarya Sheikho

Political prisoners in Turkish jails began a hunger strike on November 27, 2023, demanding physical freedom for leader Abdullah Ocalan and a resolution to the Kurdish issue. On April 4, the strike entered a new phase under the slogan "Live under the same conditions as our leader," during which prisoners have boycotted court hearings, family visits, and phone calls.

Women from the Euphrates Canton expressed their support for the prison resistance and reaffirmed their commitment to this struggle, stating they are following in the footsteps of Mazlum Doğan and his comrades.

Berivan Juma, member of the Women's Office in the Democratic Society Movement in the Euphrates Canton, saluted the prison resistance, saying, "Our comrades have been resisting in the prisons for about 200 days. We salute their resistance and draw strength and high morale from it. Our comrades in prison are fighting to overthrow the dictatorial regime that seeks to exterminate the people, especially the Kurdish people. Our comrades began the hunger strike inside the prisons, and this dictatorial regime is trying to break the will of the people through arrests, but we will never remain silent and will always resist."

Berivan also pointed out the continuous efforts of this oppressive regime to suppress the prison resistance, silence the voices of the detainees, and stated that it would fail in this attempt because the Kurdish people have understood the truth through the thought and philosophy of leader Abdullah Ocalan. The imprisoned comrades have undertaken the hunger strike for the physical freedom of Abdullah Ocalan.

The people Broke the chains of slavery

Berivan explained, "Our Guerrilla forces struggle in the free mountains, and this struggle is a result of the ideology and resistance of leader Abdullah Ocalan in Imrali. Our people have broken the chains of slavery and emerged from this darkness."

Supporting them till the last drop of our blood

Amira Mohammed, member of the Women's Office in the Martyrs' Families Council in the Euphrates Canton, stated that they would continue to support the detainees in prisons until the last drop of their blood, adding, "The detainees resist in the prisons to prevent the violation of Kurdish people's rights, but the countries that claim to defend human rights remain silent about the Turkish regime. Is the Committee for the Prevention of Torture an ally of the Turkish state?"

Hunger strike dates back to Mazlum and his comrades' era

Amira Mohammed mentioned that the hunger strike dates back to the era of Mazlum Doğan and that the resistance in the prisons has continued since then. This resistance aims to save the Kurdish people from the grip of extermination and darkness and is renewed at every stage.

Amira concluded her speech, "We salute the resistance of the detainees inside the prisons and express our support for it. It is for us and for the freedom of our leader."
