Guerilla carried out a series of operations to commemorate martyrdom of the martyr Zilan

The People's Defense Forces eliminated 4 soldiers from the Turkish occupation army during a series of operations they carried out. In commemoration of the martyrdom of the martyr Zilan.

Guerilla carried out a series of operations to commemorate martyrdom of the martyr Zilan
30 June 2024   16:38

Today, the Media Center of the People's Defense Forces issued a statement about the operations carried out against the Turkish occupation army and the occupation attacks, which stated:

In the Metina area:

On June 27 at 12:10, our forces carried out a qualitative operation against the Turkish occupation army that tried to position itself in the Resistance Square in Kulka, and at 13:00, our forces intervened in the movements of the attack helicopter with semi-automatic weapons.

On June 27 at 12:30, our forces targeted enemy soldiers in the Resistance Square in Darkel with sniper tactics, resulting in the death of a Turkish soldier.

On June 27, at 17:20, our forces targeted Turkish occupation soldiers in the Resistance Square in Seri Metina with heavy weapons.

On June 28 at 10:30 and on June 29 at 06:30, our forces targeted the Turkish occupation army in the Resistance Square in Kulka with heavy weapons 4 times and destroyed a container and an occupation army position.

On June 18, at 18:00, our forces targeted the Turkish occupation army in the Resistance Square in Seri Metina with sniper tactics, killing 3 Turkish soldiers.

In the Zap region:

On June 29, at 18:30, fighters from the Free Women’s Units - Star targeted the Turkish occupation army in the Resistance Square in Kori Jaro with heavy weapons.

In the Martyr Dalil area, west of Zap;

On June 27 at 06:00, our forces targeted the Turkish occupation army in the Resistance Square on Judi Hill with heavy weapons.

On the 29th at 03:50, fighters from the Free Women’s Units - Star targeted the Turkish occupation army in the resistance square in Judi Hill with heavy weapons.

On June 28, at 05:00, 12:50, 17:55 and 18:00, our forces targeted the Turkish occupation army in the resistance square in Amadiye Hill with semi-automatic weapons.

On June 28, at 12:30 and 18:20, the guerrillas targeted enemy soldiers in the resistance square in Amadiye Hill, and strong strikes were directed at their position.

Turkish occupation army attacks with banned explosives:

On June 16, the war tunnels in the Resistance Square in Srei Metina in the Metina area were bombed once with chemical gases and 6 times with banned explosives.

On June 27, the Turkish occupation army once bombed the Resistance Square in Shilaza in the Metina area with booby-trapped drones.

On June 27, the Turkish occupation army once bombed the Resistance Square on FM Hill in the Martyr Dalil area, west of Zap, with booby-trapped drones.

Turkish occupation army attacks:

On June 27, 28, and 29, Turkish warplanes bombed the Cochin, Martyr Sharif, and Kandikula squares in the Khakurki region 7 times, the Koze and Zankel Hill squares in the Gari region twice, the Martyr Jihan Hill square in the Qandil region twice, and the Resistance Square in Shilaza and Seri Metina twice. In the Metina area, once the resistance square in Bahar Hill in the Martyr Dalil area west of Zap, a total of 17 times, and as a result of the bombing, fires broke out in the areas of Khakorki, Qandil, Gari, Zap and Metina.

On June 27, at 18:00, the village of Darkel in the Metina area was bombed 10 times with heavy weapons and 4 times by Turkish warplanes. Due to the bombing, fire broke out in the villagers’ fields, while the Turkish occupation army and the forces of the Kurdistan Democratic Party pressured the people to evacuate the village.

T/ Satt.