#Turkey_Occupies_Dohuk' hashtag tops social media trends

The hashtag "#TurkeyOccupiesDohuk" has topped social media platforms amidst intensified Turkish military shelling of areas in Southern Kurdistan and increased movements within the region.

#Turkey_Occupies_Dohuk' hashtag tops social media trends
30 June 2024   11:08

The hashtag "#Turkey_Occupies_Dohuk" has swept across social media, drawing attention to the increasing Turkish military shelling, occupation of areas in Southern Kurdistan, and the displacement of its residents.

The hashtag quickly spread, with significant engagement from Iraqi activists and citizens, accompanied by numerous expressions of anger and discontent over the ongoing Turkish actions.

In the last 24 hours, extensive air and ground attacks by the Turkish occupation forces have intensified in Southern Kurdistan. The Amediya district in Dohuk has been subjected to 7 consecutive bombardments, leading to property destruction and widespread fires.

Since February 2021, the Turkish occupation, in collaboration with forces from the Kurdistan Democratic Party, has launched large-scale attacks on the Medya Defense area and other areas in Southern Kurdistan, both by air and ground. In addition to its military arsenal, the Turkish occupation army has used internationally prohibited weapons, including chemical gases and banned weapons 426 times since the beginning of this year.
