NE Syria women denounce leader Ocalan's isolation, affirm adherence to his approach

Women from various components of NE Syria condemned the absolute isolation imposed on the leader Abdullah Ocalan and affirmed their commitment to his revolutionary approach until achieving his physical freedom.

NE Syria women denounce leader Ocalan's isolation, affirm adherence to his approach
28 June 2024   03:01
Deir ez-Zor

The Turkish authorities' imposition of absolute isolation on the leader Abdullah Ocalan, detained in Imrali prison, and their prevention of him from meeting his lawyers and family, with no information about him for over three years since a brief 5-minute phone call that was abruptly terminated, has sparked anger among the people of NE Syria.

Hala Al-Ali, member of the Zinobia Women's Assembly in the Al-Basira area of Deir ez-Zor province, strongly condemned the criminal acts committed by the Turkish occupation state against the unfairly imprisoned leader Abdullah Ocalan. She mentioned that these Turkish policies violate humanity, norms, and international conventions.

On her part, Muradi Al-Ahmad, another council member, demanded the cessation of violations against Abdullah Ocalan and his immediate release. She affirmed that the women in NE Syria will remain steadfast in the arenas of freedom until his physical freedom is achieved.

Meanwhile, Khawla Wali condemned the absolute isolation imposed on Abdullah Ocalan and the lack of global awareness about his situation. She stated, "We will not abandon Abdullah Ocalan until the very last breath."

Hemrin Omar noted the Turkish state's attempts to isolate the communities that believe in Abdullah Ocalan and his ideology, under the mistaken belief that this would prevent the spread of his ideology worldwide. However, she affirmed that Ocalan's ideology represents freedom for all oppressed and marginalized peoples.

Najwa Al-Abassi criticized the international community and human rights organizations for their silence regarding the isolation imposed on Abdullah Ocalan. She reiterated the commitment to continue the struggle following Abdullah Ocalan's revolutionary approach until the last breath.

