Citizen from Damaliya village abducted in occupied Afrin

Turkish occupation mercenaries have abducted another citizen upon his arrival in his village of Damaliya in occupied Afrin.

Citizen from Damaliya village abducted in occupied Afrin
23 July 2024   10:38

According to a local source from occupied Afrin, mercenaries from "112 Brigade," affiliated with the Turkish occupation, abducted Mannan Mahou Mammo Nassan (40 years old) from the village of Damaliya in the city of Mobata, Afrin, immediately upon his return to his hometown.

The source added that the mercenaries demanded a ransom of 3,000 US dollars from his family for his release.

Additionally, Turkish mercenaries from the "Military Police" also abducted the elderly Subhi Abdou Shikho (60 years old) yesterday from his home in the Mahmoudiya neighborhood in the center of Afrin city. His family was given an ultimatum between paying a ransom of 8,000 US dollars or facing his execution, in a phone call made after the abduction.

The regions in Syria occupied by Turkey and its mercenaries are witnessing a lack of security and the perpetration of crimes against those who remain, including murder, theft, looting, and abduction for ransom, as well as infighting among mercenaries over the properties of displaced individuals.
