Participation in elections is the response of NE, Syria people to the threats

Manbij canton's residents in North and East Syria have confirmed their determination to participate actively in the municipal elections in order to make the electoral process a success, despite the threats made by the Turkish occupying state, pointing out their indifference.

Participation in elections is the response of NE, Syria people to the threats
3 June 2024   06:44

The Turkish occupying state is stepping up its attacks and threats against the territory of the North and East of Syria in parallel with the upcoming elections, which will take place on the 11th of June, in an attempt to stop these elections. The people of the region stand in the face of these threats and are fully prepared to make every sacrifice for the success of the electoral process.

A citizen of the canton of Manbij, Abdo Haj Mohamed, pointed out that the escalation of the Turkish occupation of his attacks on the territory of the North and East of Syria is because it fears the elections. "These elections will promote stability in the region. We from this community and the people of this country do not care about any threats, and we will conduct the electoral process despite all the difficulties we are going through; these elections represent the voice of free people."

In her turn, the citizen, Jawaher al-Hassan, pointed out that "the elections are a step towards democratization in the region, which has caused fear to rage at the heart of the Turkish occupation, causing it to escalate its threats and attacks on the region, fearing further gains from Autonomous Administration."

The citizen, Rola Dalo, from the women of Manbij canton, said, "We are steadfast in the face of all the threats and attacks of the Turkish occupation on our territory; these attacks increase our determination to complete what we have begun, and we will not surrender to any occupier on our territory. The weakness of the Turkish occupation is the success of the DAA's project, and the great threats to the Turkish occupation are due to the great achievements of the DAA in the region."

From the canton itself, Hassan Kohat said: "Despite all these threats, we, like the people of this region, will never retreat and will never give up, and we will continue our elections because we want to express our voice, and this is the best opportunity for freedom-loving peoples to vote freely and democratically."

T/ Satt.