Video footage of air action carried out by Gêrîla

Gerîla TV published video footage of 7 air operations carried out against the Turkish occupation army.

Video footage of air action carried out by Gêrîla
15 July 2024   15:39

Today, the Media Center of the People Defense Forces (HPG) issued a statement regarding 7 air operations, carried out by the unit of the martyr Dogan Zinar against the Turkish occupation army, reads:

"Between 3 and 11 July, our forces targeted the bases of the Turkish occupation army in the area of martyr Dalil west of Zap using aerial attacks, the occupation bases in the resistance square of Amediya hill twice, the bases in the resistance square of the Bahar hill, and the bases in the resistance square in Serkil were struck 4 times by air.

These operations resulted in the death of 5 Turkish soldiers and the injury of 8 others, in addition to the destruction of 2 Kirby armored vehicles and damage to the occupation bases."

Gerîla TV published video of the 7 air actions that killed 5 soldiers and wounded 8, and the scenes show the moment the Turkish occupation soldiers were targeted, fleeing from their positions, plumes of smoke rising from the targeted sites and the destruction inflicted on them.
