Raqqa people: We must support guerilla fighters in confronting Turkish aggression  

The people of Raqqa canton confirmed that the Turkish occupation state’s attacks with internationally banned weapons against the Guerrilla forces are evidence of their failure, and declared that they stand “hand in hand with the People's Defense Forces in the face of the attacks.”

Raqqa people: We must support guerilla fighters in confronting Turkish aggression  
3 June 2024   04:10

The Turkish occupation state continues its attacks on the defense areas in southern Kurdistan, where it uses internationally banned chemical weapons, as evidence of the failure of its internal policy and the export of this failure abroad.

In this context, ANHA's agency conducted interviews with the people of Raqqa canton, where citizen Ali al-Sheikhan said: “The criminal acts committed by Turkey by bombing our comrades and brothers, the Guerrilla forces, are not new to it and are not far from reality. This is a small part of the criminal acts carried out by the Turkish state.” Whether in the defense areas or in the North and East Syria."

He added: "We saw their crime during the occupation of Afrin when 78 warplanes were used to bomb it. Today, Turkey is bombing the Guerrilla forces with internationally banned chemical weapons."

He also said, "We, the people of Raqqa, say to Turkey that we will stand hand in hand with the Guerrilla forces to confront this brutal Turkish aggression."

In his turn, Asaad al-Nahar said: “We condemn and denounce the Turkish chemical attacks on the Guerrilla forces, and the practice of terrorism in the region, whether in North and East Syria or in the Qandil Mountains, and the international silence regarding them is evidence of its complicity with Turkey.”

He added: "I appeal to all free people in the world to stand up to the attacks of the Turkish state, whether on our regions or the areas of the Guerrilla forces."

He ended his speech by saying, "We, the people of Raqqa, denounce these terrorist attacks on our areas and stand with the Guerrilla forces that are defending their areas, and the world must take action and stop these brutal attacks."

T/ Satt.