Turkish occupation mercenaries set fire to forest in occupied Afrin

The Afrin-Syria Human Rights Organization stated that settlers and mercenaries of the "National Army" affiliated with the Turkish occupation set fire to a forest in the city of Rajo in occupied Afrin.

Turkish occupation mercenaries set fire to forest in occupied Afrin
Turkish occupation mercenaries set fire to forest in occupied Afrin
Turkish occupation mercenaries set fire to forest in occupied Afrin
16 July 2024   10:45

The Afrin-Syria Human Rights Organization reported on its official website that the fire has consumed the trees of the mountains in the village of Hobka, west of the city of Rajo, since this morning.

It pointed out that "these fires are often started by settlers and mercenaries of the "National Army" affiliated with the Turkish occupation to produce natural charcoal for sale."

The crimes of the Turkish occupation and its mercenaries against people, property, and nature in occupied Afrin continue, aiming to change its demography and displace the remaining original inhabitants.