Kurdistan Communist Party holds sit-in against Turkish occupation attacks

The Kurdistan Communist Party and the people of the city of Hawler in S. Kurdistan organized sit-in this morning against the Turkish occupation and its attacks on S. Kurdistan.

Kurdistan Communist Party holds sit-in against Turkish occupation attacks
Kurdistan Communist Party holds sit-in against Turkish occupation attacks
Kurdistan Communist Party holds sit-in against Turkish occupation attacks
Kurdistan Communist Party holds sit-in against Turkish occupation attacks
11 July 2024   14:01

The Kurdistan Communist Party (KCP) in S. Kurdistan organized a sit-in against Turkish army attacks and occupation of areas in S. Kurdistan.

The sit-in, which was organized on 60th Street in the Azadi neighborhood in front of the party's branch in the city of Hawler in S. Kurdistan, was attended by activists and a crowd of residents.

The protesters carried banners that carried "No to the occupation" and others "The Iraqi government and the Regional Government must protect national security and borders and stand against the Turkish occupation," and "The Communist Party stands against foreign occupations and against any violations of opinion's freedom and expression."

The people of S. Kurdistan continue their popular protests against the Turkish occupation attacks on S. Kurdistan, which occupied large parts of Dohuk province.
