Mass march in support of Gêrîla against Turkish occupation army

Hundreds of Tal Tamr and Zarghan people, during a mass march in support of Gêrîla in the Turkish occupation face of S. Kurdistan territory, denounced the participation of the KDP, stressing their support for the People Defense Forces.

Mass march in support of Gêrîla against Turkish occupation army
Mass march in support of Gêrîla against Turkish occupation army
Mass march in support of Gêrîla against Turkish occupation army
Mass march in support of Gêrîla against Turkish occupation army
Mass march in support of Gêrîla against Turkish occupation army
Mass march in support of Gêrîla against Turkish occupation army
Mass march in support of Gêrîla against Turkish occupation army
Mass march in support of Gêrîla against Turkish occupation army
Mass march in support of Gêrîla against Turkish occupation army
Mass march in support of Gêrîla against Turkish occupation army
15 July 2024   13:23

Hundreds of Tal Tamr and Zarghan residents of the Jazera Canton in the NE Syria region went out today in a mass rally in support of Gêrîla, condemning the Turkish occupation of the lands of S. Kurdistan, with the participation of the KDP, and the silence of the federal government in Baghdad.

The march started in front of the People's Court building on the main road between the cities of Tal Tamr and occupied Serê kaniyê, all the way to the Martyr Qandil roundabout east of the city.

Participants chanted slogans "Long live Gêrîla ", "We are all Gêrîla ", "No to the betrayal of the Barzani family", carrying banners reading "No to occupation, time is time to protect the revolution", "No retreat from our land and freedom", "Our revolutionaries are our dignity, we will preserve and protect our dignity", "No to Erdogan's terrorism".

This march comes within the framework of a series of popular protests rejecting the policy of the Turkish occupation state, and condemning the crimes it is committing in S. Kurdistan, amid increasing calls for the Iraqi government to break its silence and move to take a clear and serious position on these practices.

After the participants arrived at the Martyr Qandil roundabout, the march turned into a protest, during which a speech was delivered by the deputy co-chair of the Hasaka city council, Farouq Tozu, in which he said: "No to betrayal, we are ashamed of what is shown by the Kurdistan Democratic Party who support the Turkish occupation state, to enter our cities and streets to occupy them, and to pursue our resistant sons."

He added: "We say it publicly, all these agreements that are taking place between the Turkish occupation state and the KDP will not undermine the determination and will of our people, and the determination of our forces in the mountains that stand against the injustice and oppression to which our people are subjected."

The mass ended with chants of " No to the betrayal of the Barzani family, No to occupation."
