Turkey bombs Afrin, Shahba countryside with 700 shells within hours

The Turkish occupation army and its mercenaries expanded their shelling of the countryside of Afrin and Shahba, targeting five more villages with over 700 shells.

Turkey bombs Afrin, Shahba countryside with 700 shells within hours
16 July 2024   12:08

ANHA correspondent from the area reported that the Turkish occupation army and its mercenaries expanded their shelling of the countryside of Afrin and Shahba, targeting the villages of Samouqa, Umm al-Qura, Shahba Dam, Tal Madiq, and Tal Jijan with more than 700 mortar and dushka shells.

Simultaneously, the Turkish occupation army and its mercenaries shelled the villages of Midyouna and Tal Anab in the countryside of Afrin and Shahba Canton.

Yesterday, the northern countryside of Manbij Canton in NE Syria was subjected to intense ground shelling, preceded by shelling on the city of Ain Issa in the Euphrates Canton, which resulted in the martyrdom of one citizen and the injury of another.