Euphrates Water Pumping Project put into service in Hasaka

7 neighborhoods in the city of Hasaka will get benefit, at a rate of 4 to 5 hours every two days from the Euphrates River water through the Aziziyah station, while work is underway to deliver water to 3 other neighborhoods, increasing the pumping hours to 7 hours.

Euphrates Water Pumping Project put into service in Hasaka
Euphrates Water Pumping Project put into service in Hasaka
Euphrates Water Pumping Project put into service in Hasaka
Euphrates Water Pumping Project put into service in Hasaka
Euphrates Water Pumping Project put into service in Hasaka
Euphrates Water Pumping Project put into service in Hasaka
16 July 2024   07:59

Al-Aziziya station faces problems and difficulties, as a result of continuous attacks on water lines and power outages, which leads to the cessation of water imports from the Euphrates.

In an interview with ANHA agency, the administrator at the Aziziya station, Mahmoud Kanhoush shed light on several important matters.

“Until now, pumping is still experimental at the station. Since the beginning of this month, our workshops have begun repairing faults on the line" Mahmoud Kanhoush said.

 "We pumped water to the Ghawiran neighborhood during the first two days, for a trial period of 4 hours, after which we pumped it to the Al-Aziziya and Al-Tala'i neighborhoods."Kanhoush added.

Kanhoush explained that: “ The daily pumping is about 6,000 to 7,000 cubic meters of Euphrates water. However, we have major obstacles facing us, including power outage in the morning hours and the random water pipes."

The neighborhoods currently benefiting from the station are “Ghawiran, Al-Zuhur, Al-Aziziyah, Al-Tala’i, Al-Salihiyah, Al-Mufti, and a section of the Khashman neighborhood.”

Each neighborhood is supplied with water at a rate of 4 to 5 continuous hours every two days, and there are ongoing efforts to increase pumping hours to 7 hours.

Kanhoush attributes this to the need for filtration and desalination tanks which have a capacity of 3,000 cubic meters, for 11 days.

“The neighborhoods such as the Kalasa neighborhood, Tal Hajar, Al-Nasera, and the rest of the neighborhoods, will be supplied with water through tanks" Kanhoush concluded.
