Al-Bab Council: Civilians are victims of mercenary conflicts in occupied territories

Al-Bab Military Council confirmed that the people in the occupied areas, especially the city of al-Bab, are victims of the conflicts of the mercenaries of the Turkish occupation state, and said: “We are ready to provide any assistance to them, and we will continue our struggle until all lands are liberated from occupation and terrorism.”

Al-Bab Council: Civilians are victims of mercenary conflicts in occupied territories
8 April 2024   05:01

The areas occupied by the Turkish occupation state have turned into a focus for the gathering of mercenary groups from the remnants of ISIS/Daesh and the mercenaries of al-Hamzat, al-Amshat, the Levant Front, and Hay'at Tahrir al-Sham, which are affiliated with the Turkish occupation. Among those areas is the al-Bab area, which witnesses clashes from time to time between these mercenaries.

The leader of the al-Bab Military Council, Ali al-Arima, spoke to ANHA's agency and said: “In the recent period, there has been a gathering of mercenary factions from al-Hamzat, al-Amshat, what is known as the Levant Region, and Hay’at Tahrir Al-Sham, or what was previously known as Jabhet al-Nusra, which was classified on the terrorist lists, in the eastern countryside of the city of al-Bab, and there is a mixture of The factions in Qabasin, al-Rai, Jarabulus, and the rest of the al-Bab countryside.”

Ali al-Arima pointed out the existence of conflicts between mercenary groups in al-Bab, and said: “The Turkish occupation plays the main role in these conflicts in order to legitimize its presence in Syria, in the capacity of resolving conflicts between mercenaries, and tightening control over the occupied areas on the other hand. Most of the conflicts are for the sake of money and land sharing, and the victims are civilians.”

Ali al-Arima noted that: “The faction that offers obedience to the Turkish occupation the most is the one that receives support to eliminate other factions.”

Ali al-Arima explained: “In recent times, the mercenaries have tried to prove their presence in the Syrian arena, especially in our regions, and in order to maintain the occupation and not end their presence, they bombed our regions, but their attempts failed, just as their recent attempts to infiltrate our regions failed.”

Ali al-Arima touched on the suffering of the people as a result of the occupation and its mercenaries, and said: “In northern Syria there are daily crimes, including murder, looting, rape, kidnapping, and arbitrary throwing of people into prisons.”

Ali al-Arima confirmed that the people in the occupied areas are communicating with them, and said: “They are communicating with us and their families in our areas, and they confirm that they are trying to reach our areas to enjoy peace, but the Turkish occupation and its mercenaries prevent them by firing live bullets at them.”

Ali al-Arima said: “We direct our message to our people in the occupied areas, and we say we are with you and we stand with the oppressed people, and we are ready to provide them with any assistance, and we will continue our struggle until all lands are liberated from occupation and terrorism.”
