Hawar news agency plan ANHA  4/8/2024

Hawar news agency plan ANHA  4/8/2024
8 April 2024   02:00

The displaced residents of Girê Spi confirmed that their true holiday lies in the departure of the Turkish occupier and its mercenaries from their homes and their return to them. (Video and photos attached).

Al-Bab Military Council confirmed that the people in the occupied areas, especially the city of Al-Bab, are victims of the conflicts of the mercenaries of the Turkish occupation state, and said: “We are ready to provide any assistance to them, and we will continue our struggle until all lands are liberated from occupation and terrorism.” (Video and photos attached).

The young man Firas Ramadan, in the city of Raqqa, revived the profession of storyteller during the month of Ramadan, in his own way, during which he presents the stories, culture and heritage of the region in a humorous way. (Video and photos attached).

The displaced people of Afrin and the people of al-Shahba are preparing for Eid al-Fitr, despite the ongoing attacks of the Turkish occupation state and the siege of the Damascus government. (Video and photos attached).

The Fourth Amara Festival, organized by the Syrian Revolutionary Youth Movement and the Sports Authority in Afrin and Al-Shahba canton, continues in the Barkhdan camp in Al-Shahba, at 08:00 (video and photos are attached)

The Popular Initiative for the Freedom of Leader Abdullah Ocalan distributes brochures in the Jal Agha district to introduce the leader Abdullah Ocalan, at 09:00 (attached with video and photos).

The Popular Initiative for the Freedom of Leader Abdullah Ocalan in North and East Syria will make a statement to reveal the results of the signature collection campaign, at the March 12 Stadium in the city of Qamishlo, at 11:00 (video and photos attached).

The Fourth Amara Festival, organized by the Syrian Revolutionary Youth Movement and the Sports Authority in Afrin and Al-Shahba canton, continues for the second day in Barkhdan camp in Al-Shahba, at 08:00 (video and photos attached).