CPT: KDP gaves citizens 9 hours to evacuate 4 villages in S. Kurdistan

The CPT revealed that Turkish state and the KDP gave citizens 9 hours to evacuate 4 villages in South Kurdistan.

CPT: KDP gaves citizens 9 hours to evacuate 4 villages in S. Kurdistan
27 July 2024   22:31

Social Peace Building Teams (CPT) member Kameran Osman explained that KDP officials in the Amêdiyê region put pressure on citizens in the villages of Mijê, Kevne Mijê, Spîndarê and Gîrgaşê in the Ber Garê region to go to their villages between 08:00 and 17:00, and then to completely evacuate their villages and go to the places specified to them.

"Citizens living in the 4 villages in the Ber Garê region have been forced to leave their villages for a while due to the bombing by the Turkish army and have settled in Dêrelok and Duhok" Osman added.

Osman stated that the Kurdistan Region government and the occupying Turkish army on Saturday ‘gave’ citizens living in the villages of Mijê, Kevne Mijê, Spindarê and Gîrgaşê ‘permission’ to go to their homes for 9 hours to collect their belongings.
