6 civilians, including 4 children, injured in Turkish occupation shelling on Manbij

The Manbij Military Council thwarted several attempts by Turkish occupation mercenaries to infiltrate the villages of the northern countryside of Manbij Canton, followed by the Turkish occupation's shelling of populated villages, which led to the injury of 6 civilians, including 4 children, and the destruction of several homes.

6 civilians, including 4 children, injured in Turkish occupation shelling on Manbij
27 July 2024   14:03

At dawn today, the Turkish occupation mercenaries tried to infiltrate 3 villages in the Manbij Canton; the first to the village of "Arab Hassan" with a group, the second to the village of "Al-Mohsenali" with 2 groups and from 2 sides, and the third was to the village of "Al-Jarad" and also through 2 groups of mercenaries.

The infiltration operations were accompanied by the shelling of the Turkish occupation army with heavy weapons on those populated villages, in conjunction with continuous flights of drones in the airspace.

Attempts by Turkish occupation army mercenaries to infiltrate the villages of Arab Hassan, Al- Mohsenali and Al-Jarad began at 01:30 and continued until 04:30.

However, all attempts to infiltrate the mercenaries failed, as the fighters of the Manbij Military Council confronted them, and violent clashes took place with the mercenaries, during which they suffered heavy losses from the dead and wounded, while the rest fled.

After thwarting the infiltration of its mercenaries, the Turkish occupation shelled several villages indiscriminately, where most of the shells fell on civilian homes, including the village of "Um Jaloud", which caused material damage, as well as the village of "Aoun al-Dadat" was targeted with heavy artillery, and fell on civilian homes.

4 children and 2 women were wounded by shrapnel from those shells:

The child Ayham Alouma / 7 years

Nader Alouma /6 years old

Reem Alouma /4 years old

Janad Alouma / 3 years old

Shaha Ali/ 28 years old

The elderly Shamsa al-Rashad / 60 years old

From last night until the early hours of the morning, the Turkish occupation targeted the villages of the northern and western countryside of Manbij, which are populated with more than 115 artillery shells and mortars, according to the media center of the Manbij Military Council.
