Citizens: Instead of unifying ranks, KDP supports Turkish attacks

Citizens of the city of Tirbespiyê denounced the involvement of the Kurdistan Democratic Party ( KDP) with the Turkish occupation state in killing the Kurdish people and occupying their land.

Citizens: Instead of unifying ranks, KDP supports Turkish attacks
28 July 2024   05:40

 The Turkish occupation army on Southern Kurdistan has sparked popular resentment, especially the cooperation and assistance of the KDP  to the Turkish army in its occupation projects, and demanded an end to the cooperation that they described as treason to the Kurds and their cause.

Citizens said that they had hoped that the KDP would move towards Kurdish unity, but it chose the path of treason and cooperation with the Turkish occupation state.

Muntaha Mahmoud confirmed that Turkey has occupation goals for a long time

"At this time we find many countries try to thwart the gains achieved by the Kurdish people, while the KDP is still supporting the occupiers" Muntaha Mahmoud said.

 She expressed her confidence in the people of Southern Kurdistan who stand against these conspiracies.

"The KDP must stop its cooperation with the Turkish occupation and move towards Kurdish unity" she added.

Abdul Rahim Hasso pointed out that the Turkish occupation state is always declares its hostility to the Kurdish people and has been working to exterminate them for centuries while the KDP through its cooperation with Turkey is implementing the Ottoman project although we know that Turkey has political, economic and military goals through this incursion."

 He added: "Without the support of the Barzani family, the Turkish occupation would not have been able to enter Kurdistan. We realize that the people of Bashur Kurdistan reject this policy, and we are confident that they will do everything necessary to thwart this conspiracy,we in Rojava as a Kurdish people denounce and condemn the position of the Barzani family."

While the citizen Muntaha Abdullah explained that what the Turkish occupation state is doing is not hidden, and all the Kurdish people are aware of its colonial goals."

She pointed out that the KDP should stop its cooperation with the occupation and move towards Kurdish unity; because it is the only way for the Kurdish people to obtain all their rights.
