YJA Star targets Turkish occupation army in Zap, Metina, Haftanin

The Media Center of the People's Defense Forces (HPG) confirmed that the Free Women's Units Star (YJA Star) conducted a series of operations against the Turkish occupation army in Zap, Metina, and Haftanin within the Medya defense areas.

YJA Star targets Turkish occupation army in Zap, Metina, Haftanin
26 July 2024   15:03

The HPG Media Center issued a written statement today about the operations against the Turkish occupation army, which included:

*In the Metina area:

- On July 24, at 14:10 and 15:10, our forces targeted the occupation army in the resistance area of Kolka with heavy weapons, hitting two of their positions.

- On July 25, at 17:10, our forces intervened against the movements of occupation helicopters in the resistance area of Seri Metina, forcing the helicopters to leave the area.

*In the Martyr Delil area, west of Zap:

- On July 24, at 08:25, our forces in the Free Women's Units - Star (YJA Star) detected the Turkish occupation army's movements at Judi Hill while they were installing surveillance cameras, targeting them with heavy weapons and stopping their activities.

- On July 25, at 16:30, our fighters in the Free Women's Units - Star (YJA Star) targeted a Turkish occupation bulldozer in the resistance area of Amadiya Hill with semi-automatic weapons, halting their operations.

*In the Haftanin area:

- On July 24, at 11:50, our fighters in the Free Women's Units - Star (YJA Star) targeted the Kriyarsh base of the Turkish army with heavy weapons.

*Turkish occupation army attacks:

- On July 23, 24, and 25, Turkish warplanes conducted 10 airstrikes on the Martyr Sharif, Lolan, Koshin, Martyr Hawar Hill, and Martyr Heman Hill areas in Khakurk, 8 strikes on the Spindar, Dirash, and Maj areas in Gare, 5 strikes on the resistance areas of Bahar Hill and Judi Hill in the Martyr Delil area west of Zap, and 2 strikes on the Zarkal and Bubliskan areas in Qandil, making a total of 25 air raids. These raids also resulted in fires breaking out in several areas.

- On July 24, the occupation army bombarded the resistance area of Bahar Hill in the Martyr Delil area west of Zap using attack helicopters.