Girê Spi IDPs : Our true holiday is our return to our homes

The displaced residents of Girê Spi confirmed that their true holiday lies in the departure of the Turkish occupier and its mercenaries from their homes and their return to them.

Girê Spi IDPs : Our true holiday is our return to our homes
Girê Spi IDPs : Our true holiday is our return to our homes
Girê Spi IDPs : Our true holiday is our return to our homes
Girê Spi IDPs : Our true holiday is our return to our homes
Girê Spi IDPs : Our true holiday is our return to our homes
8 April 2024   03:31

The features of Eid al-Fitr are absent from Girê Spi IDPs for the fifth year in a row, after they were forcibly displaced from their homes following the Turkish attack on October 9, 2019, when more than 100,000 residents of the city of Girê Spi and its countryside were displaced and lost their sources of income.

Zalkha Al-Ibrahim, a 35-year-old IDP from the city of Girê Spi, who supports three children, said: “The real Eid is the departure of the Turkish occupier from our land and our return to our homes.”

She explained that after they lost their sources of income, they became unable to meet their families’ living requirements and Eid needs, such as sweets and clothes, especially with their high prices this year, and the lack of job opportunities other than the few opportunities provided by the camp administration, to secure some of their necessary needs.

IDP, Abdullah Al-Issa, from the village of al-Safawiyah in Girê Spi, a disabled person and the breadwinner of 6 children, said: “The organizations working in the camp do not provide us with any support, other than some routine programs in the field of psychological support, and I depend on the work of my wife and children outside the camp."

Abdullah al-Issa explained that joy will remain absent from them until the Turkish occupier who desecrated their land leaves, and they return to their villages and their families who remained in the occupied areas.

The Girê Spi displaced persons camp, which was built by the Democratic Autonomous Administration on November 22, 2019, near the village of Tal al-Samen (northern countryside of Raqqa), is inhabited by 7,080 displaced people, distributed among 1,300 families.
