Women demand Iran to abolish death sentences of activists Bakhshan, Sharifa

The death sentences issued against activists Bakhshan Azizi and Sharifa Mohammadi by Iranian authorities have sparked strong condemnation from women in NE Syria region, where they called for the immediate annulment of these sentences. They urged freedom-loving peoples to intensify their struggle against authoritarian regimes.

Women demand Iran to abolish death sentences of activists Bakhshan, Sharifa
27 July 2024   14:14

On July 4, Iranian authorities sentenced activist Sharifa Mohammadi to death under various pretexts, just a day before the second round of the Iranian presidential elections. On July 24, a death sentence was issued against Kurdish journalist and women's rights defender Bakhshan Azizi, which prompted widespread protests against the Iranian state's anti-women stance.

In this context, dozens of women and members of women’s movements and organizations in NE Syria gathered in a rally at the Free Women’s Square in Kobani, displaying a portrait of the detained Kurdish journalist Bakhshan Azizi and denouncing the death sentence issued against her.

In a statement read by Peyman Aloush, member of the Kongra Star Coordination in the Euphrates Canton, they called on all women worldwide and freedom-loving peoples to support women’s struggles against patriarchal dominance.

They emphasized, “Women are killed and subjected to sexual assault every day around the world. For society and people to live together in freedom and peace, it is crucial to fight together. Therefore, we say that no man in the world can judge a woman. In E. Kurdistan and Iran, every woman, through the Women, Life, Freedom uprising, has become another Jina Amini, supporting women everywhere.”

Referring to the death sentences against activists Sharifa Mohammadi and Bakhshan Azizi, they stated that Iranian state crimes against humanity are perpetrated against women, criticizing the silence of human rights organizations: "All institutions that claim to protect the rights of democrats turn a blind eye to the actions of the totalitarian regime."

They reiterated that these sentences will not force women to comply with state orders, asserting, "The mentality of men in the state, who seek to influence women's struggle through religion and fear, needs to understand that women will never accept slavery. Women who have taken the freedom of their hearts and minds will not return to previous years. Women have work, faith, parties, and armies. This is why we say that anyone who gives their heart to freedom must take a stand against the inhumane actions being carried out against women in Iran."

Through their statement, they condemned the death sentences of the activists and demanded their immediate abolition, while also noting that there is no information available about activist Risha Moradi, which raises concerns. They called out, "Let us elevate our struggle against it; it is every woman's duty to participate in the women's struggle against the brutality of authoritarian states.”