​​​​​​​Families of Imrali detainees apply for visit

The brother of the leader Abdullah Ocalan and the brothers of the other detainees in Imrali submitted a request to the Office of the Republican Public Prosecutor in the Turkish city of Bursa and the Imrali Prison Directorate, in order to meet with their families.

​​​​​​​Families of Imrali detainees apply for visit
26 May 2023   09:36

Muhammad Ocalan, the brother of the leader Abdullah Ocalan, through his lawyer Mazloum Deng, the brother of the detainee Omar Khairy Konar, Ali Konar, the brother of Hamili Yildirim, Polat Yildirim, and the sister of Wesi Aktash, Maliha Cetin, submitted a request to the Office of the Republican Public Prosecutor in the Turkish city of Bursa in order to meet with their families.

It is worth noting that no information has been received about leader Abdullah Ocalan since March 25, 2021 in any way.
