Extensive bombardment on 15 villages in Afrin, Shahba countryside

The Turkish occupation army and its mercenaries have bombarded 15 villages and locations in the countryside of Afrin and Shahba Canton in the NE Syria region.

Extensive bombardment on 15 villages in Afrin, Shahba countryside
26 July 2024   09:21

15 villages in the countryside of Afrin and Shahba Canton were subjected to artillery bombardment by the Turkish occupation army and its mercenaries late last night.

ANHA correspondent from the region reported that the villages targeted by the artillery bombardment are: "Shuraga, Maranaz, Malkiya, Tat Marash, Meng, Ain Daqna, Bilonia, Sheikh Issa, Harbel, Um Hosh, Sayda, Tilmadak, Tal Jajan, Shaala, and Tal Rahal."

The correspondent also noted that the skies over the region have been heavily patrolled by warplanes and drones until this morning.

Some villages are still experiencing intermittent bombardment, and ANHA correspondent has not been able to assess the extent of the damage caused by the Turkish occupation army and its mercenaries.