Massive Rallies in NE Syria call for leader Ocalan Physical Freedom

The cities of North and East Syria held massive rallies slamming leaser Ocalan's isolation and called for his physical freedom.

Massive Rallies in NE Syria call for leader Ocalan Physical Freedom
Massive Rallies in NE Syria call for leader Ocalan Physical Freedom
Massive Rallies in NE Syria call for leader Ocalan Physical Freedom
Massive Rallies in NE Syria call for leader Ocalan Physical Freedom
Massive Rallies in NE Syria call for leader Ocalan Physical Freedom
Massive Rallies in NE Syria call for leader Ocalan Physical Freedom
Massive Rallies in NE Syria call for leader Ocalan Physical Freedom
Massive Rallies in NE Syria call for leader Ocalan Physical Freedom
Massive Rallies in NE Syria call for leader Ocalan Physical Freedom
Massive Rallies in NE Syria call for leader Ocalan Physical Freedom
Massive Rallies in NE Syria call for leader Ocalan Physical Freedom
Massive Rallies in NE Syria call for leader Ocalan Physical Freedom
Massive Rallies in NE Syria call for leader Ocalan Physical Freedom
Massive Rallies in NE Syria call for leader Ocalan Physical Freedom
Massive Rallies in NE Syria call for leader Ocalan Physical Freedom
Massive Rallies in NE Syria call for leader Ocalan Physical Freedom
Massive Rallies in NE Syria call for leader Ocalan Physical Freedom
Massive Rallies in NE Syria call for leader Ocalan Physical Freedom
Massive Rallies in NE Syria call for leader Ocalan Physical Freedom
Massive Rallies in NE Syria call for leader Ocalan Physical Freedom
Massive Rallies in NE Syria call for leader Ocalan Physical Freedom
Massive Rallies in NE Syria call for leader Ocalan Physical Freedom
Massive Rallies in NE Syria call for leader Ocalan Physical Freedom
Massive Rallies in NE Syria call for leader Ocalan Physical Freedom
25 July 2024   17:24

The Syrian Initiative Committee for the Freedom of leader Ocalan held rally in Manbij Canton.The rally began with a minute of silence, then City Council Administrator Maryam Rashid said: “The renewal of disciplinary sentences on leader Ocalan aims to increase pressure on him, but the leader did not give up his democratic project.”

In turn, Hind Daghestani, the member of the Syrian Initiative for the Freedom of Leader Abdullah Ocalan in Manbij Canton pointed out the purpose of tightening the isolation, and said: “The purpose of the isolation is to limit the influence of the leader’s thought on external events, because Turkish fascism sees him as a central figure in the world."


The people of the city of Ain Issa and the displaced people of the occupied city of Girê Spi went out in a rally that roamed the streets of Ain Issa in the Euphrates Canton, the demonstrators carrying a banner that read, “The freedom of leader Apo is a guarantee of democracy and the stability of the region,” and chanting, “There is no life without the leader.”

For his part, the Co-chair of the Democratic Union Party in the city of Girê Spi, Sabri Nabu praised the heroic resistance shown by the freedom detainees, led by Leader Abdullah Ocalan, who dedicated his life for his people to live in freedom and dignity.

The notable of the Albu Assaf clan, Hamad Al-Qaraja, said: “Leader Abdullah Ocalan represents the values ​​of pride, and sacrifice for the sake of liberating the region from the clutches of slavery and exploitation.”

Sheikh Ali Al-Muhaimid, the notable of the Arab Tay clan, linked the attacks launched by the Turkish occupation state on Başûr Kurdistan to the renewal of disciplinary penalties, and confirmed that they are part of the international conspiracy hatched against the leader.

"The will of the free people will break the walls of Imrali," he stressed.

Al-Darbasiyah and Tel Brak

In this context, the youth of the Democratic Union Party in the cities of Al-Darbasiyah and Tal Brak made a joint statement, and the statement was read in Al-Darbasiyah by the administrator of the Democratic Union Party Youth Council, Shatha Al-Hussein, and in Tal Brak by council member Waad Al-Abd.

The statement indicated, "The Turkish fascism has continued to tighten the isolation on leader Abdullah Ocalan for nearly 38 months, in violation of international norms and laws, without any interference by international organizations that claim to protect human rights, and this indicates its complicity with the Turkish state."

The statement called on " International human rights organizations to carry out their moral duty towards the isolation imposed on leader Abdullah Ocalan. It also called on the Kurdish people, parties and national figures to stand up to the plans of the Turkish state."
