Afrin IDPs: Leader Ocalan's physical freedom is our priority

The IDPs of Afrin stressed that achieving physical freedom for leader Abdullah Ocalan will spread  freedom, justice and equality. So it is among their priorities in life.

Afrin IDPs: Leader Ocalan's physical freedom is our priority
Afrin IDPs: Leader Ocalan's physical freedom is our priority
Afrin IDPs: Leader Ocalan's physical freedom is our priority
Afrin IDPs: Leader Ocalan's physical freedom is our priority
26 July 2024   03:31

The world is witnessing various activities on a daily basis, demanding the physical freedom of leader Abdullah Ocalan, most notably in NE Syria.

Leader Abdullah Ocalan has been detained for more than 24 years in Imrali Island prison in the Sea of ​​Marmara, following an international conspiracy by international and regional forces, in 1999 in the Kenyan capital, Nairobi, and he was handed over to the Turkish occupation state on February 15 of the same year.

The citizen Sifana Hassan denounced the isolation and demanded leader physical freedom, she indicated that what motivates her to participate daily is the sacrifice of leader Abdullah Ocalan in enlightening societies.

On July 4, the Turkish authorities banned, again and for another 3 months, the meeting with leader Abdullah Ocalan and the three other detainees in Imrali, as no information has been received about the leader since March 2021.

Citizen Asya Abdullah, who held the human rights and humanitarian organizations, especially the CPT organization, fully responsible for the life of Leader Abdullah Ocalan, confirmed that her participation was to express the extent of their attachment to the leader, and to demonstrate the extent of popular rejection and discontent regarding the isolation policy imposed in Imrali.

In order to meet with them, Al-Asr Law Office’s lawyers submit two requests every week to the Public Prosecutor’s Office in the Turkish city of Bursa and the Imrali Prison Directorate. Their families also submit two requests every week, for a total of 16 requests every month. However, no response was received.

The citizen Othman Abdo, referring to his insistence on achieving the physical freedom of leader Abdullah Ocalan, “We went out to the squares because we are certain that achieving the leader’s physical freedom will bring us a free and dignified life, and contribute to ending tyranny, so we will not stop demanding his physical freedom.”

It is noteworthy that the last meeting with Leader Abdullah Ocalan was held by his lawyers, Rezan Sareja and Nowruz Uysal, on August 7, 2019, while his last contact with the outside world was on March 25, 2021, during a phone call with his brother Muhammad Ocalan for 5 minutes, then the call was cut off.
