​​​​​​About 35 people arrested in Çolik

The Turkish occupation authorities arrested more than 35 people in 2 neighborhoods in the Agırî area and the Kani Resh of Çolik district in Bakur (Northern Kurdistan).

​​​​​​About 35 people arrested in Çolik
26 May 2023   09:34

This morning, the authorities of the Turkish occupation state raided many homes in the Kani Resh district of Çolik district, as well as houses in the village of Khashuk, and arrested many people.

And also raided homes in 2 neighborhoods belonging to the Agri region, and arrested 35 people, most of them young men, who were known as: (Nozat Dag, Jalal al-Din Karatash, Sadiq Rashad Aye, Ahmed Oztash, Pekin Polat, Muhmmed Ujar, Ibrahim Oztash, Adam Balta, Cemil Vural, Jalal Alton, Qasim Yildirim, and Aydin Borsuk,” according to what was reported by ANF.
