Dismantling ISIS cell consisting of 6 mercenaries in Raqqa

The Internal Security Forces of the NE Syria region arrested 6 ISIS mercenaries in Raqqa Canton, one of them returning from Turkey.

Dismantling ISIS cell consisting of 6 mercenaries in Raqqa
25 July 2024   11:11

The Media Center of the Internal Security Forces published information about the dismantling of a cell of ISIS mercenaries consisting of 6 mercenaries, in the city of Al-Karama, in the Raqqa Canton in the NE Syria region.

"In a qualitative security operation, and after collecting information and locating the hiding places of members of an ISIS cell in the countryside of Raqqa, which was planning to carry out terrorist operations, our forces carried out on Wednesday, July 24, a raid on their hiding hideouts in Al-Karama in the eastern countryside of Raqqa, where our forces were able to arrest all six members of the cell."

Among its information, the Media Center of the Internal Security Forces noted that one of the mercenaries was returning from Turkey, due to the seizure of a Turkish driver's license.

The forces seized weapons, ammunition and tools of communication.

The center pointed out that they will be transferred to the judiciary as soon as the process against them is completed.
