Iranian authorities execute Kurdish young man

Iranian authorities have executed a Kurdish young man after he spent 15 years in prison.

Iranian authorities execute Kurdish young man
25 July 2024   14:20

This morning, the Iranian authorities carried out the death sentence against Kurdish youth Kamiran Sheikha, who was "the last of the seven accused in the case of Abdul Rahim Tina, the Imam of the Rashideen Mosque."

Kamiran Sheikha had been transferred from Mahabad Prison to a solitary confinement cell in Urmia Central Prison on Wednesday to carry out the execution, according to the Kurdish Human Rights Network.

The prison authorities informed Kamiran's family, who had spent 15 years in prison, that the execution would be carried out this morning, Thursday.

Human rights sources reported that these seven accused had been subjected to "severe torture" during their detention, and the trial process was shrouded in "mystery," with many issues arising.

The Human Rights Campaign in Iran also confirmed that all these death sentences were issued in "unjust and non-transparent courts without meeting the minimum standards of a fair trial" and lacked "any legal basis.”
