Future action plan for Zenobia Women’s Gathering

The Zenobia Women’s Gathering, during its annual meeting with its four councils, developed a future action plan consisting of 27 important points.

Future action plan for Zenobia Women’s Gathering
Future action plan for Zenobia Women’s Gathering
Future action plan for Zenobia Women’s Gathering
25 July 2024   15:15

The Zenobia Women’s Gathering held its annual meeting today in the city of Tabqa, with the presence of members from its four councils in Raqqa, Tabqa, Manbij, and Deir ez-Zor Cantons, NE Syria. 

Approximately 250 members and representatives from women’s organizations, political parties, civil society organizations, internal security forces (women), and the Women’s Protection Units (YPJ) participated in the meeting held at the Tabqa Cultural Center.

The meeting included reading evaluations of leader Abdullah Ocalan, an annual report covering the work and activities of the Gathering ’s councils across the four regions, and a video presentation summarizing the Gathering’s activities over the year.

Following the video presentation, attendees shared their opinions on the Gathering’s efforts to reach all women to enhance awareness and discuss ongoing issues faced by women in society, as well as their role in solving the Syrian crisis as an integral part of the Syrian social fabric.

The meeting concluded with the following outcomes:

* Intensify the struggle by increasing campaigns and activities demanding the physical freedom of Leader Abdullah Ocalan.

* Establish a Zenobia Women’s Gathering  Committee for the Leader’s freedom in each Canton, coordinating with all public and private institutions and the Initiative Committee for the Leader’s freedom.

* Continue campaigns to read and discuss the Leader’s defenses.

* Organize a seminar on the Leader’s health status.

* Prepare for a conference on the sociology of freedom.

* Organize monthly marches led by women’s movements, organizations, and young women.

* Plan a festival on April 4.

* Combat all forms of violence and oppression against women and resist the fierce attacks from Turkish occupation forces.

* Strengthen internal and external relations between the Zenobia Women’s Gathering and existing women’s institutions and organizations in Syria and abroad.

* Under the slogan “Through Women’s Solidarity, the Tyranny of ISIS Crumbled,” designates a day for an official celebration in Raqqa.

* Promote the concept of ecology through targeted campaigns on environmental importance and preservation.

* Expand the grassroots base with a comprehensive plan to reach the largest possible number of women, and appoint representatives of the Zenobia Women’s Gathering in communes.

* Focus on the youth through seminars and lectures in institutes, schools, and youth groups.

* Intensify campaigns and seminars related to societal issues and find mechanisms to implement solutions.

* Prepare campaigns for women (against violence, International Women’s Day, International Peace Day).

* Increase open and closed training sessions.

* Publish the Zenobia Magazine.

* Open the Martyr Zilan Zagros Academy in Deir ez-Zor and the Women’s Academy in Raqqa.

* Establish a women’s library named the Zenobia Reading Library.

* Promote cultures through diverse cultural evenings by the Hilal Zerin Movement for Women’s Culture.

* Form a committee dedicated to research on the sociology of regional components.

* Organize various workshops in all fields.

* Enhance the role of women in the Community Protection Forces (HPC).

* Develop health awareness programs and campaigns for women and children.

* Launch economic projects to empower women economically.

* Open a dedicated women’s hall.

* Prepare for a tribal forum for women.