Citizens: Betrayal, Turkish attacks won't eliminate ideology of Freedom movement

The people of the Sheikh Maqsoud neighborhood in Aleppo stressed the continued resistance by the Guerrilla forces against the attacks of the Turkish occupation, and stressed, "Neither treason nor any other method can liquidate a movement supported by its people."

Citizens: Betrayal, Turkish attacks won't eliminate ideology of Freedom movement
26 July 2024   05:44

The Turkish occupation state launches intense attacks on Southern Kurdistan with the support of the Kurdistan Democratic Party.

In this regard, the people of the Sheikh Maqsoud and Ashrafieh neighborhoods expressed their complete rejection of the betrayal of the Kurdistan Democratic Party.

Citizen Roliana Muhammad referred to the occupation attacks launched by the Turkish occupation state on southern Kurdistan by saying "the Kurdistan Democratic Party's support for Turkey is a big mistake."

 “We will not allow the occupier and his supporters to occupy the land of Kurdistan, through our weapons, our pen, and our awareness.”

She  made the point clear “They both participate in the extermination of the Kurds, through bombing and forced displacement, and the Kurdistan Democratic Party must realize that its authority with the Turkish occupation will end as soon as Turkey occupies Southern Kurdistan.”

The Citizen Muhammad Ali Hassan said: “Under the pretext of fighting terrorism and protecting its borders, the Turkish state occupied Afrin, Serêkaniyê, and Girê Spi, and under the same pretext it seeks to occupy southern Kurdistan as well.”

Muhammad added: “hey are trying to eliminate the Kurds, and occupy their land.”

Muhammad stressed that their only option is to resist and support the Kurdistan Freedom Movement, saying: “The only truth in Kurdistan is the resistance of the Guerrilla in order to prove the Kurdish presence and liberate the land of Kurdistan."

While Amina Muhammad summarized the results of the battle, with the victory of the Guerrilla over the hostile forces and traitors: “Let the Kurdistan Democratic Party realize that the attempt to liquidate the Kurdistan Freedom Movement is impossible. Neither treason nor any other method can liquidate a movement supported by its people, we are ready to wage war against any movement or party that attacks our forces.”

The Turkish occupation state intensified its attacks with internationally banned chemical weapons on a daily basis, on Southern Kurdistan and managed to advance 40 kilometers into the region after evacuating 208 villages and transferring 300 ISIS mercenaries there several months ago.
