General Command' Member of YPJ in Catalonia

Member of the General Command of the Women's Protection Units, Sozdar Derik, met with the President of Parliament and representatives of the political parties in Catalonia.

General Command' Member of YPJ in Catalonia
General Command' Member of YPJ in Catalonia
General Command' Member of YPJ in Catalonia
General Command' Member of YPJ in Catalonia
General Command' Member of YPJ in Catalonia
General Command' Member of YPJ in Catalonia
General Command' Member of YPJ in Catalonia
25 May 2023   06:56

Member of the General Command of the Women's Protection Units, Sozdar Derik, visited Catalonia, which is autonomous and affiliated to Spain, at the invitation of the Catalan Parliament.

The commander of the Women's Protection Units, Sozdar Derik, met with the President of the Catalan Parliament, Alba Fergus Bosh, the representative of the (CUP - Candidatura d'Unitat Popular), Carles Riera and the representative of the (ERC - Esquerra Republicana de Catalonya), and Agnsburg.

According to the information provided by the Media Center of the YPJ, they discussed security issues in NE Syria, the threat of ISIS and combating it, the situation in al-Hol camp, and the attacks of the Turkish occupation state towards the region (water issues and others).

The meetings touched on ways to solve problems and point out that ISIS poses a threat to the whole world, so all parties must take responsibility in the fight against ISIS.

The commander, Sozdar Derik, who caught the attention of the Catalan press, joined a Catalan television program and answered questions from the guests during a panel discussion by journalist Monica Terbiyas, in which more than 400 people participated.

Sozdar Derik also attended the book exhibition in Barcelona. During Derik's visit to the exhibition, the book "Kurdish Women's Movement / Historical, Theoretical and Practical" by writer Dilar Dirk was introduced, which talks about the struggle of Kurdish women.

The meetings of the YPJ commander, Sozdar Derik, are continuing.
