​​​​​​​Hawar news agency plan 5-25-2023

​​​​​​​Hawar news agency plan 5-25-2023
24 May 2023   20:00

Arab and Kurdish women considered the strict isolation imposed on the leader Abdullah Ocalan an attempt by the Turkish occupation to silence the voice of freedom, amid assurances that the leader represents an intellectual turning point in human history, and in order to achieve his physical freedom, they will raise the pace of their struggle. (Attached with videos and photos).

The representative of the Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP), Feleknas Ûca, explained that the biggest response of the peoples in Turkey and Bakur Kurdistan (Northern Kurdistan) to the policies of extermination, erasure and war of the Turkish government will be on May 28, that is, in the second round of the presidential elections.

The 32nd Arab summit discussed a number of regional Arab issues, where the Syrian crisis took a wide range of discussion and concern, with the presence of Bashar al-Assad at the summit, after 12 years of isolation. Are we facing a gradual solution to the Syrian crisis, or is it an Arab quest to search for influence only?

The Local Administration and Municipalities Committee of the Raqqa Civil Council continues the project of rebuilding the largest and oldest mosque in the city of Raqqa, in a modern shape and model, which includes several sections, several minarets and domes. (Attached with videos and photos).

The Martyrs' Families Council in Tirbespiyê district remembers 51 martyrs from the months of March, April and May, who were martyred at different times and places. And that was in the Democratic Union Party hall in the district, at 10:00 (attached with photos and videos).

The Syrian Democratic Council is holding a symposium entitled "Arab Normalization and its Repercussions on the Regional, Syrian and Local Situation in North and East Syria" in the Sardam camp hall of Al-Ahdath district in Al-Shahba canton, at 10:00 (with photos and video attached).

The Young Women's Union is holding an exhibition and an artistic evening in Avista Park in Qamishlo, at 18:00 (attached with videos and photos).