Clans' sheikhs: Turkish occupation crimes escalate daily

The tribal sheikhs and notables of Tabqa canton denounced the ongoing Turkish violations and crimes against the Syrian people and land, and emphasized their steadfast support for the Autonomous Administration project.

Clans' sheikhs: Turkish occupation crimes escalate daily
25 July 2024   05:31

The Turkish occupation state continues its attacks on the regions of North and East Syria, using military aircraft and drones to target economic facilities and burn farmers' crops. It also bombs populated villages, attempting to break the resolve of the region's people.

The sheikhs and notables of the tribes in Tabqa canton have consistently denounced these attacks, violations, and crimes against Syrians, emphasizing their unwavering stance.

Sheikh Farhan al-Ammala, leader of the al-Wahb clan, stated: “The Turkish occupation state, through its attacks on North and East Syria, seeks to undermine the Autonomous Administration project by targeting civilians, military and security forces, their leadership, and infrastructure.

Al-Ammala stated that by circumventing the Autonomous Administration project and the Syrian Democratic Forces, we will confront these attacks and will not allow Turkey to occupy any part of Syrian territory.

In his turn, Sheikh Mahidi al-Saleh, the sheikh of the al-Huwaywat clan, said, Turkey, under false pretenses, is attempting to penetrate Syrian territory and continue its policy of genocide and displacement of people. This despicable policy requires vigilance and full awareness of its danger.

Al-Saleh emphasized, We, the sheikhs and notables of the region's tribes and components of all age groups, will stand against the occupation and prevent these violations.

Al-Saleh emphasized the people in North and East Syria commitment to their land and the path of their martyrs. He highlighted their continued support for the democratic nation project, their dedication to the option of defense and self-protection, and their perseverance in accordance with what ensures the success of the democratic nation project, the brotherhood of peoples, and coexistence.

Jamal Nhaiter, a prominent figure of the al-Wahb clan, stated, Turkey has committed major violations against the Syrian people since the outbreak of the Syrian crisis. This has been evidenced to the public by forcibly deporting Syrians from Turkey to advance its interests with the Damascus government.

In conclusion, Nahiter expressed, It is our duty, as well as the people, sheikhs, women, and youth of the region, to strive, resist, and sacrifice alongside the Syrian Democratic Forces and the Autonomous Administration. This is to thwart the plans of the Turkish occupation state and preserve the security and stability of the region.

T/ Satt.