Arab clan: Syrians in Turkey must avoid electing Erdogan

The notable of the Albo Hadid tribe called on naturalized Syrian refugees in Turkey not to vote for Erdogan, who killed Syrians, and stressed that his party's only concern was to implement its colonial schemes and return the "Ottoman.”

Arab clan: Syrians in Turkey must avoid electing Erdogan
2 May 2023   02:12

In recent years, the AK Party has granted nearly half a million Syrian refugees Turkish citizenship for use in elections, and as the election approaches, the AK Party has begun to urge Syrians to vote for it.

On behalf of the Albo Hadid clan council, Salah al-Salman, talked to ANHA’s agency warned Arab clans not to vote for the AKP, stressing: "All Syrians in Turkey must be patriots and not be dragged behind Turkey's barbaric policies aimed at controlling Syrian territory, and the schemes Erdogan draws for his election campaign only we and our people in Turkey are fully aware of the crimes committed by Erdogan that have destroyed our regions."

Saleh al-Suleiman warned: "Syrians should not contribute to their country's occupation by voting for the fascist authorities, which brought us only scourges that will deepen the Syrian crisis and increase the suffering of the Syrian people."

Suleiman asserted: "Erdogan's ideas are colonial and destructive and cannot achieve security and stability, and his party (AK Party) 's sole concern is to implement its colonial plans to restore (Ottoman) and strike any democratic project in the region."

T/ Satt.