Hawar News Agency plan - June 28, 2024

Hawar News Agency plan - June 28, 2024
28 June 2024   02:00

Women from various components of the NE Syria region denounced the absolute isolation imposed on leader Abdullah Ocalan and reaffirmed their commitment to his revolutionary path until achieving his physical freedom. (attached with photos and videos)

On June 28, the fourth anniversary of the Women's Media Union is commemorated. Within a short period, the Union has become a platform for female journalists in NE Syria, aiming to unify the efforts of Syrian female journalists to reflect the reality and voice of women. (attached with photos and videos)

Women from the Euphrates Canton commended the resistance of prisoners inside the jails and expressed their support for them, stating that the struggle continues in the footsteps of Mazlum Doğan and his comrades. (attached with photos and videos)

The "Sheikh Said Piran Revolt" is considered the first uprising in Kurdistan after two years of establishing the borders of the "Turkish Republic" under Mustafa Kemal Atatürk. This followed a decade of battles that claimed tens of thousands of lives in Kurdistan and Turkey during and after World War I, with numerous events and memoirs. (attached with photos)

The Youth and Sports Committee in Tal Hamis, in the Jazera Canton, organizes a horse race featuring Arab horses with participants from towns and cities across the region, starting at 07:00. (attached with photos and videos).

In memory of the sports figure "Defa’ Habo," the Berxwedan Sports Team, in coordination with the Sports Council in the Jazera Canton, organizes an open table tennis championship (for women and men) at the Martyrs of March 12 Stadium hall, starting at 10:00. (attached with photos and videos)

The people of Dêrik in the Jazera Canton commemorate the martyr Zilan with a ceremony at the Dicle Cultural and Art Center in the city, starting at 18:00. (attached with photos and videos)

Under the auspices of the Young Women's Union, the fourth Martyr Zilan Festival is organized at Azadi Park in Qamishlo, under the slogan "Zilan, the Goddess of Freedom," starting at 19:00. (attached with photos and videos).
