Turkish military convoys head towards Dohuk in South Kurdistan

The Turkish occupation continues to send military convoys accompanied by armored vehicles and heavy weapons to Dohuk in South Kurdistan for the third consecutive day.

Turkish military convoys head towards Dohuk in South Kurdistan
25 June 2024   11:59

Roj News Agency, active in South Kurdistan and Iraq, published video footage of new massive military convoys heading towards Dohuk, consisting of armored vehicles and heavy weaponry.

The agency reported that a military convoy of the Turkish occupation army, comprising 40 armored vehicles and heavy weapons, headed late last night towards the borders of Amediyah district in Dohuk.

It noted that for the third consecutive day, the region is witnessing the passage of massive Turkish military convoys towards Dohuk.

Turkey occupies several positions in South Kurdistan with complicity from the Kurdistan Democratic Party forces, and it has hundreds of military bases there. Turkey continuously launches attacks on the Mediya Defense areas, using these bases as logistical supply points and intelligence centers.
