Hunger strike campaign to lift isolation on leader enters 21st day

The open hunger strike campaign that the strugglers detained in Turkish prisons launched continues for the 21st day in a row, with the participation of the fifth group, to demand an end to the isolation regime imposed on Leader Abdullah Ocalan.

Hunger strike campaign to lift isolation on leader enters 21st day
17 December 2020   08:03

The open hunger strike campaign launched by the prisoners of the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) and the Kurdistan Women’s Freedom Party (PAJK) entered its 21st day with the participation of the fifth group of detainees, calling for an end to the isolation of the leader Abdullah Ocalan and to reduce pressures and repressive practices on all detainees in Turkish prisons.

The detainees said in a statement to them: “The only goal of the hunger strike campaign that the prisoners of the PKK and the Kurdish Women's Freedom Party launched is not only to end isolation, but to the freedom of Leader Ocalan, and we will continue our campaigns until Leader Ocalan is free, so we call on everyone and the public opinion to support this campaign."