Telegraph reveals a plot by MIT to assassinate Kurdish politicians in Austria

British newspaper "Telegraph" confirmed that a Turkish intelligence agent surrendered himself to the Austrian authorities, and admitted that he had received orders from Ankara to assassinate a prominent Kurdish politician.

Telegraph reveals a plot by MIT to assassinate Kurdish politicians in Austria
17 December 2020   06:01

According to the newspaper, the Turkish spy called, Fayyad Öztürk, turned into a reporter, and revealed an alleged plan that includes attacking three people on Austrian soil.

It is believed that Berivan Aslan (39 years), an Austrian politician of Kurdish origin, was the target of the assassinations, according to the newspaper report translated by the American Al-Hurra channel website.

The newspaper pointed out that the authorities take these allegations seriously, and that the targeted policy is under police protection since the start of the investigations, and that she is not allowed to leave her home without wearing a bulletproof vest.

Lawyers for Öztürk, an Italian citizen of Turkish origin, confirmed that he was being held on charges of spying for a foreign country, and that he had voluntarily surrendered to the Austrian authorities.

During the investigations, Öztürk claimed that he was blackmailed by the Turkish intelligence service to participate in the assassination of Berivan Aslan, and said, "It is not important whether she was injured or dead," adding that the goal was "to spread chaos and send a message to Aslan and others."

He added that her assassination was supposed to take place last March, but he was suspended in the Italian town of Rimini after his leg was broken in an accident.

The currently detained man revealed that violent attacks were planned against two other politicians, including Peter Bels, a leader of the Austrian Green Party.

Bels previously held a position on the Intelligence Committee of the Austrian Parliament, and is known for his harsh criticism of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, and in 2017 published a detailed report on the links between the ruling Justice and Development Party in Turkey and operations carried out by Turkish intelligence in Austria.

Berivan Aslan notes that the Turkish intelligence network in Austria includes "at least 400 informants" who are immigrants.

The Turkish spy, an agent of the Turkish intelligence service (MIT), admitted to Austrian authorities that he had received orders in August to kill Berivan Aslan, an Austrian Kurdish politician and member of the Austrian Green Party.

Months ago, the former Austrian politician, Peter Bels, announced the assassination plans on the Zach-Zach news site, where he also works as an editor, saying that Austrian intelligence had informed him that he was on a list of several people being planned to assassinate, along with Aslan and the Austrian member of parliament. European Andreas Schieder.

Berivan Aslan and ZackZack editor Peter Bels revealed that the Turkish intelligence service has established a huge network of informers and troublemakers stretching from Bregenz to Vienna, and that Austrian intelligence is aware of this, and according to what is circulating in the media, the Turkish intelligence service has about 6 thousand agents in Germany. As for their number in Austria, it is unknown.