Women's organization means Turkish state's system collapse

The spokeswoman for the Kongra Star, Ramziyya Mohamed, said that the Turkish state fears  the will of women, and that is why it escalates its attacks against them according to the mentality of the Turkish state. She added: "They are targeting the revolution and the system established by women because strengthening the organization of women greatly contributes to the collapse of the Turkish state's system.

Women's organization means Turkish state's system collapse
17 December 2020   04:51

The Turkish occupation state is escalating the policies of systematic violence and rape against women, as the Turkish occupation state and its mercenaries continue the policies of political repression, acts of rape, kidnapping, plundering antiquities and demographic change in the occupied regions of Afrin, Serêkaniyê and Girê Spî in north and east Syria. In addition, rape crimes against women are increasing in Northern Kurdistan, where it was recently reported that a 15-year-old girl was raped in Karjus district in Batman.

The spokesperson for the Kongra Star, Ramziyya Mohamed, referred to the escalation of violence against women, noting that the Turkish state seeks to raise the concept of honor to curb the Kurdish family's rebellion against the state.

Rape is legalized

Ramziyya Mohamed said that violence against women is part of the special war policy launched by the Turkish state, and she said in this regard: "The Turkish state is escalating violence and assault crimes against women in Northern Kurdistan, where a young girl was raped by the army and police, and rape is considered legitimate for them."

Ramziyya Mohamed noted that the Turkish soldiers and police who consider rape as a legitimate matter derive courage from the laws in their country that seek to cover up soldiers and police officers for the crime of rape, protecting the people who assaulted the young girl.

She also indicated that the Turkish state is exploiting in this period the concept of honor in the Kurdish society, via that it seeks to prevent the Kurdish family from rebelling against the state.

She also emphasized the continuation of the brutal crimes of the Turkish occupation and its mercenaries in the occupied areas of north and east Syria, such as Afrin, Serêkaniyê and Girê Spî, and that women and children are among the most vulnerable to these crimes.

Ramziyya Mohamed indicated the continuation of crimes, genocide, torture and rape against the peoples of the Middle East since the era of the Ottoman Empire, right up to the era of the Turkish state. The Turkish state believes that it has the right to commit genocide massacres and various forms of violence, torture and rape in the areas it occupies, and it abducts women as the fate of many women is still unknown."

Ramziyya Mohamed said: The information and news circulating recently indicate that the Turkish state and its mercenaries have deliberately sold women in the Serêkaniyê market, and added that the Turkish state represents the mentality of the male authority.

They target the women's movement

Ramziyya Mohamed stated that the Turkish state targets the women's movement: "The women's movement organizes women and develops their struggle. They target the revolution and the system established by women. The organization of the women's movement contributes greatly to the collapse of the state system, so they see this as a danger to them, escalating their attack against women."

Ramziyya also touched on the importance of the pioneering role of women in the Rojava revolution, and said: "The women's movement that leads the vanguard of the Rojava revolution and the organization of women and society continues its efforts to raise women's awareness."

She also stressed that the Turkish occupation state targets revolutionary women, adding: "The targeting of Hevrin Khalaf, Zahra Berkel, Amina Wissi and Habboun Khalil means targeting the women's movement, and the crimes of violence, rape and harassment targeting women aim to eliminate the women's movement."

Arrest, an extension of rape crimes

Ramziyya Mohamed touched upon the arrest of female politicians in Northern Kurdistan and Turkey, and said: "Thousands of women have been arrested, and despite all the attacks, there are women who continue to struggle and resist, and the arrest of women is an extension of the policies of violence and rape against women."

Ramziyya also indicated that women have made many sacrifices so far, and that they will never surrender to the policies of harassment, rape and violence.

Organization will put an end to violence

Ramziyya Mohamed said that their position in the Kongra Star is very clear with regard to crimes of violence, harassment and rape. In her speech, she indicated the importance of organizing women, and that they must realize the importance of the historic responsibilities entrusted to them. She added: "When a little girl was raped in Ileh, women went out to the squares in all parts of Kurdistan, and when women in Afrin were subjected to violence and kidnapping, there were reactions against them all over the world, and they rejected all forms of violence against women."

The Spokeswoman for the Kongra Star, Ramziyya Mohamed, affirmed that organized women can struggle and resist against attacks, and she appealed to Kurdish women and women of the world to unite their ranks and strengthen their organization to confront the violence committed by the Turkish state against women.



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