Martyrs' Families: We welcome KNK's initiative to unify Kurdish class

The martyrs' Families of Qamishlo city confirmed that the initiative step launched by Kurdistan National Congress (KNK) to unity all the political parties is a blessed step. They called the political parties to participate.

Martyrs' Families: We welcome KNK's initiative to unify Kurdish class
Martyrs' Families: We welcome KNK's initiative to unify Kurdish class
Martyrs' Families: We welcome KNK's initiative to unify Kurdish class
Martyrs' Families: We welcome KNK's initiative to unify Kurdish class
Martyrs' Families: We welcome KNK's initiative to unify Kurdish class
7 January 2019   05:36


At an initiative of the Executive Body of the Kurdistan National Congress, Rojava branch, a committee of 5 members has been formed which function is to hold discussions with all parties of the political movement without exception to unity their ranks.

Hawar news agency surveyed the views of the martyrs' families about this step

Ali Omar, the father of the martyr Diyar, noted that this sensitive stage requires them to unify the political parties of their ranks, especially those that were far from the Kurdish street, and the achievements made in Rojava. "We as martyrs' families see the initiative of the Kurdistan National Congress as a good step, although there are some political parties fought our revolution and hostile the gains of our martyrs."

He added "A great joy will fill out our hearts, if we see the ranks of the Kurds united, I am as a martyr's father, although there are some political parties hostile the blood of our martyrs and attacking our gains, thanks to them, I call the political ranks to unify,"

Mother of the martyr Nour al-Din Gulo, mother Shamsi Khan said "Our hopes and our martyrs' hopes are the unification of the Kurdish people, which is a demand and aspiration for us all over the long years,"

"We strongly support the KNK initiative because they seek to unify the political parties' discourse, not because we are weak, but in the end this unity must take place. We have become a significant force in the world. The international community and the whole world are talking about our tournaments and the sacrifices we have made, so we must unite."

Lazkin Ali pointed out that there are some political parties that will not accept the initiative launched by the Kurdistan National Congress, because they are stuck in hotels of Istanbul. They claim of the release of the political prisoners," he said, adding that "the Autonomous Administration has opened its doors on Sunday and will release their detainees, but in my opinion they will not participate."