Ocalan's philosophy charted freedom's way

The member of the Teachers' Management Committee in Amuda district Zeinab Ibrahim noted that Ocalan's thought and philosophy are the way to end injustice and chains of slavery, and they charted the path towards freedom.

Ocalan's philosophy charted freedom's way
11 April 2018   15:17


Kongra Star organized a lecture in al-Huri Center for Culture and Art in Amuda district on the life of Kurdish leader Abdullah Ocalan which, and dozens of people from the district and its countryside attended.

The lecture began with holding a minute of silence, and the lecture was given by the member of the Teachers' Management Committee in Amuda district Zeinab Ibrahim.

During the lecture, Zeinab talked about a summary of Abdullah Ocalan's life, his life and philosophy which became a torch for the oppressed peoples of the world, pointing to his struggle for the freedom of peoples against tyrannical and dictatorial regimes. Zainab explained that the thought and philosophy of the leader of the Kurdish people Abdullah Ocalan are the way to end injustice and chains of slavery, and they charted the path towards freedom.

Zeinab noted, "After the fighters of the People's and Women's Protection Units have achieved victories in various areas of North Syria, the Turkish occupation has shown its true face and committed massacres against Afrin's people after it used to be a peaceful city since the beginning of the Syrian crisis."

Zeinab pointed out that the Kurdish people and Kurdish women resist on the basis of human values ​​and lawful defense. The protection of life and the protection of the land in accordance with the principles of the democratic nation were called by the leader of the Kurdish people Abdullah Ocalan.

Zeinab Ibrahim concluded the lecture by appealing to the international organizations and the United Nations (UN) to put an end to the Turkish violations against the Kurdish leader Abdullah Ocalan in Imrali Island’s prison.