What sites are Washington likely to target?

The events in Syria are heading to a sensitive stage, due to the US-Russian mutual threats against the background of what was said about the chemical attack on the eastern Ghouta and the intention of Washington and its allies to strike at the Syrian regime accompanied by experts asking questions about what sites are likely to target and what weapons will be used in This blow ??

What sites are Washington likely to target?
11 April 2018   14:53


The experts in the US analysis center "Stratfor" identified the  Syrian air bases likely to be the target of strikes by the United States and its allies, against the background of the chemical attack in the eastern Gouta.

The center pointed out that the United States intends to carry out operations larger than those carried out in April 2017, when the US naval vessels launched a missile strike at the, Syrian military airport "al-Shaerat".
US experts believe that the new US operation will likely involve sites related to the Syrian chemical program and the air bases around the capital Damascus, especially al-Dameer, Marj Rahil and al-Mezzeh.
As for the weapons that are likely to be used by Washington and its allies to hit the regime's sites in the presence of counter-Russian weapons, Trump stressed that an American would shell the regime with precision and smart missiles.

According to "National Interest "magazine in a report that America can use cruise missiles "Tomahawk" to exceed Russian air defenses, most notably the existing S-400 missiles in Syria.

But if Russian forces are targeted in Syria, Moscow's response would be to target US bases not only in the Middle East, but strikes at US bases in Europe, according to the magazine, which said it would use the kaliber naval missiles and cruise missiles

The US president announced today on his Twitter account that he would hit the Syrian regime with missiles and that Russia should prepare for the missiles coming to Syria.