Resistance of Age, Yekitî party's treason -1

It turned out that the treason of some parties affiliated with the Kurdish National Council and especially the Kurdish Yekitî Party in Syria did not begin in Afrin. Before that, they followed the policies of distortion against Rojava Revolution, the Kurdish people knew this fact before Kobanî's resistance as well.

Resistance of Age, Yekitî party's treason -1
11 April 2018   16:00


The treason of the head and officials of the Kurdish Yekitî party in Syria which is under ENKS' roof was not only in Afrin.

After the Turkish state and its terrorist gangs’ attacks against Afrin which resulted in the occupation of Afrin and its villages, the positions of many commanders of the National Council parties, especially the leaders of Yekitî party have been exposed, and Afrin's people have been aware of their treacherous positions. It is now clear that the treachery of the commanders of the National Council parties, especially Yekitî party is not new, rather it extends to the beginnings of Rojava Revolution, and they emerged clearly during the attack on Kobanî and the attack on Xanesor town in Şengal. Therefore, the question now is about the position of the members and commanders of the parties of the National Council towards the decisions and practices of some commanders, especially those who are residing in Ankara, Istanbul and Başûr Kurdistan (South Kurdistan).

Since 20th January of this year and for 2 consecutive months, attacks by the Turkish occupation army and its terrorist gangs have continued on Afrin canton, during which Afrin's villages, districts and its center subjected to air raids, cannons, missiles, Obis guns and helicopters, in addition to the use of all techniques of war and the drones. Afrin's people and the fighters of the People's, Women's Protection Units and the Syrian Democratic Forces have demonstrated heroic and legendary resistance against these attacks.

In addition to that, destruction reached villages, towns and populated areas, as well as the archaeological and historical sites and worship places such as mosques, churches and vital facilities such as hospitals, schools, warehouses, water stations, bakeries, shops and orchards which caused significant moral and material damage to the people of Afrin. On the 58th day of the Turkish occupation attack, hundreds of thousands of Afrin residents were forced to flee their areas and resort to al-Shahba areas.

In this attack, Russia clearly sided with the Turkish occupation, and all the countries of the world including America, as well as the international forces and institutions remained silent towards these practices. Thus, they supported the Turkish state and mercenary gangs to occupy Afrin.

The Kurdish people can, to some extent, overlook or understand the international support for the Turkish occupation as a result of certain international interests. However, the greatest support for the Turkish occupation came by some members and commanders of the Kurdish National Council, especially Yekitî party through their statements and their direct participation in the work of the Council formed by the Turkish Justice and Development Party (AKP) in Entebbe which the Kurdish people cannot condone or understand.

Thus, the fact of the National Council which claims to have been founded to defend the interests of the Kurdish people has been exposed, and its recent practices in connection with the attack on Afrin showed the parties to which the National Council is affiliated.

In this dossier, we will try to discuss the overall positions, practices and actions of the commanders of the Kurdish National Council’s parties, especially the party of Yekitî which the people of Afrin and the Kurdish people have described them as treacherous.

How was Kurdish National Council founded?

The Kurdish National Council (ENKS) was established in October 26, 2011 in Qamişlo city in Rojava. The council consisted of 13 Kurdish parties; the Kurdistan Democratic Party in Syria (PDK) headed by Saud Mullah, the Kurdish Unity Party in Syria headed by Ibrahim Berro, the Kurdish Reform Party headed by Faisal Yusuf, the Kurdish Democratic Party in Syria headed by Ahmad Sino, the Kurdish Future Movement headed by Narin Matin, the Kurdish Future Party headed by Seyamand Hajo, the Kurdish Left Party headed by Mohammad Mulla, the Kurdish Leftist Party headed by Shallal Kaddu, the Kurdish Democratic Unity Party in Syria headed by Kamiran Haj Ali, the Kurdish Equality Party in Syria headed by Namat Dawood, the Kurdish National Party in Syria headed by Tahir Sefok, the organization of the Yazidis in Syria headed by Serhan Issa.

The object is:
The Council was founded on the basis of opposition to the Baath regime and the construction of Syria without al-Assad in order to unite the Kurdish class and achieve federalism for the Kurdish people. The Kurdistan Democratic Party (PDK) supported the head of intelligence in the government of Başûr (South Kurdistan) Masroor Barzani, the son of the President of Başûr Masoud Barzani politically and economically.

The prospects of treason appeared at the beginning of Rojava Revolution

The Council which was established with the aim of opposing the Baathist regime and constructing Syria without Bashar al-Assad after Rojava Revolution which was launched in July 19, 2012 held a wide meeting in Hewlêr and made changes in their internal system and goals. About a month later, Ibrahim Berro noted that Rojava Revolution began without bloodshed and events, noting that Autonomous Administration did so with the support of the Baath regime and thus won. After this statement,  the amendments that were agreed at Hewlêr meeting appeared.

After these amendments and changes in the policy of the Council, many administrators left their jobs in the districts and cities and joined  Autonomous Administration  institutions in Rojava, and many of them joined the cantons administration. The council therefore decided to withdraw membership from all its members who had joined the cantons administration.

Due to disagreements and problems between council's parties, 6 parties withdrew from the council until 2014, only 7 parties remained in the council, and on the basis of a joint appeal between the Council and Democratic Society Movement, a joint meeting between the parties in Dohuk city in Başûr "Southern Kurdistan", they discussed formation council and a joint force and unification of the political aspirations of the two parties, so it was recognized on the formation of the council of the political agreement of 24 people, 12 of Democratic Society Movement and 12 from the Kurdish National Council, and in the elections to form the Council voted three parties within the National Council and they are al-Wihda and al-Wifaq and al-Parti in favor of Democratic society Movement, therefore, the Council withdrew the membership of these three parties and removed them from the Council, and in this situation four parties remained only in the Council, these 4 parties to show their number and their force formed parties and named them.

The Kurdish National Council before attacks launched on Kobanî

With the start of attacks by IS mercenaries on Kobanî which started from Girê Sipî / Tel Abyad and from the west, and which has not reached  ​​Sheikhalr area yet, the officials in the Kurdish National Council’s parties in Kobanî began to prepare to get out of Kobanî, and in this regard, the chair’s deputy  of Kobanî Council Edris Nassan said at that time, "When we heard that they were preparing to escape, Asya Abdullah, Esmat Sheikh Hassen, some other comrades who were working to block the attacks and me tried to meet them, but we heard that Mustafa Jumaa went to Başûr (South Kurdistan) and that he was preparing to go to Europe, while Muslim Kartalo, Ali Ibrahim Mesti, Shaheen Ahmed, and Ferahd Shahin went to Reha city in Bakur Kurdistan (North Kurdistan), and they are still staying there. "

After attacks launched on Kobanî 

The members of the Kurdish National Council in Kobanî who were publicly conducting their activities before the attacks on Kobanî and the massacres committed in the area; however; after the situation changed, the escape of their members and officials from Kobanî created a state of denunciation among the people of Kobanî, the people said, "They fled Kobanî and left the Democratic Autonomous Administration alone in the battle. In addition to that, their behavior increased the reaction of the people towards the Kurdish National Council. After Kobanî 's liberation and the end of the battle, the members and officials of the Kurdish National Council’s parties returned to their activity, but in secret. Furthermore, for a period of time, They would not be able to open their offices, and they were holding their meetings in homes in secret, and the reason is that the people have not accepted them after fleeing Kobanî during the attacks.

These parties which belong to the Kurdish National Council were limited to combating and distorting the image of Autonomous Administration in Kobanî as they used to follow policies of defamation and dissemination of allegations about institutions and figures in addition to gathering members to join the so-called Peshmerga Rojava and to send them to Başûr Kurdistan. Most of these officials and members of these parties were being paid by Kurdistan Region’s government in Başûr and by the city of Delok (Entebbe) in Bakur (North Kurdistan).

Tomorrow: Statements and support of Yekitî officials to occupy Afrin