Şengal's children celebrated their holiday in their city 

Hundreds of children celebrated the Şengal Children International Day for the first time after three years of forced displacement due to the occupation of their city by IS mercenaries.

Şengal's children celebrated their holiday in their city 
8 April 2018   17:28


IS mercenaries attacked three years ago Şengal province, occupied the city, captured thousands of Şengal's people and committed massacres against them after the forces that were existed in the area to protect them left, But guerrilla forces and People and Women Protection Units (YPG, YPJ) intervened and did not let the mercenaries to complete the occupation of Şengal and commit other massacres against the people.

After three years of displacement, and after the liberation of Şengal province and the formation of Democratic Autonomous Administration to administrate Şengal in addition to declaring Special Forces to protect the Yazidis called Şengal Resistance Units, all of these contributed to the return of Şengal displaced people to their city.

In order to bring happiness to the hearts of children after three years of injustice and displacement, the Yezidi Free Women's Movement organized a celebration on the occasion of Şengal Children's International Day in Şengal city in the presence of hundreds of children and teachers of Şengal province.

At the beginning of the ceremony, Ahmed Şengali spoke on behalf of Şengal's teachers, and at the beginning of his speech, he congratulated the International Day of Şengal Children.

Şengali noted that their arrival to this day came thanks to the forces that defended them and rescued the people of Şengal from genocide after the Peshmerga forces of the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) left them face to face with IS mercenaries without any protection.

At the end of his speech, Şengali wished that all the people of Şengal and their children who are still unaccounted for among them who had been kidnapped by IS would be freed to participate in this day .

After that, the children presented musical songs expressing their commitment to their administration and their forces which defended them and protected them from genocide.

A number of children expressed their joy to Hawar news agency’s camera and wished all the children of Şengal to return to their homes and share their joy.

The celebrations are scheduled to last for three days. The last day will be in Khana Sour in Şengal province.