MIT kidnaps 2 citizens in occupied Afrin

Turkish intelligence and its mercenaries "Military Police" kidnapped 2 citizens in occupied Afrin.

MIT kidnaps 2 citizens in occupied Afrin
28 July 2024   10:34

A local source from occupied Afrin reported the kidnapping of Turkish intelligence and its mercenaries, the "Military Police", the citizen Mohamed Kocher bin Ezzat, from the city of Jindres, on Monday, July 22, about a week after he came from Aleppo.

On Wednesday, 24 July, mercenaries (Sultan Suleiman Shah and Amshat Division, and Hamza Division) kidnapped Hassan Issa Khalaf, 55, from the village of Al-Ziyara, in the Ashrafieh neighborhood in Afrin, under the pretext of grazing his sheep near their headquarters.

This is one of the ongoing crimes of the Turkish occupation and its mercenaries against the remaining residents in their homes, to tighten the noose on them and displace them from their land, according to what the people point out.
