‘Middle East needs Ocelan’s philosophy’

The people of Kerbawy town condemned the isolation imposed on the Kurdish people leader Abdullah Ocelan, and they said that the Turkish state is afraid of Ocelan’s philosophy and thought. The history would not forgive the international silence towards what Ocelan is going through. Furthermore, the Middle East needs Ocelan too.”

‘Middle East needs Ocelan’s philosophy’
2 April 2018   05:00

Ferhad Firashin, Jomerd Shekho

QAMIŞLO- Since 2011, the Kurdish people leader Abdullah Ocelan has been undergone an intensive isolation by the Turksih state as it prevents his family and lawyer to visit him in spite of reviewing the Public Prosecutor’s Office hundreds of times.

The people of Kerbawy town in Qamişlo city in al-Jazeera region expressed their resentment about the continuation of the isolation imposed on Ocelan.

 “Ocelan is the hope of all the oppressed people”

The citizen Sulaiman Ahmed said, “The leader Ocelan is the hope for all the oppressed people, but unfortunately, Ocelan has been suffering from intensive isolation since years, and this is evidence that the Turkish state and its supporters are afraid of Ocelan’s philosophy and thought.”

Ahmed also condemned the international troops’ silence towards Ocelan’s current state, and he continued, “We would not call for the United Nations (UN) and the organizations again because they would be a hope for the oppressed peoples, rather, we call for humanity and the pacifists in the world to raise their voices towards what is going on in Imrali.”

Ahmed also pointed out that the Middle East needs Ocelan’s philosophy, and he noted that what happened in Afrin was the result of a conspiracy by many international and regional parties, and it is an extension of the conspiracy against Ocelan.

 “Erdogan is afraid of Ocelan’s thought”

The citizen Majeed Kherrab al-Jassem who is from the Arab component pointed out, “Erdogan and the other authoritarians are afraid of Ocelan’s philosophy and thought because he calls on peace and constructing the democratic nation. Moreover, we, as the peoples and components of the area, support this enlightening thought.”

Al-Jassem added, “The murderer Erdogan violated the Syrian lands in Afrin, and the world must hold him the accountable for his crimes against humanity and  for destroying the archeological and sacred places. We, the Syrian people, reject the Turkish occupation, and we would exit it from our land however long it takes it.